Things seem to be back to normal. -- If you still see the error page, make sure to clear your browser's cache or press CTRL+F5 several times.
This Blog is for only emergencies when is down from either a host or server problem. Please bookmark this site, to get information when you get an error that you cannot connect to our site.
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Forum is Down! [Oct. 16, 2021]
It seems were are having a problem with our server/host. We will report back when things are back to normal. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Forum is Back Online! [July 13, 2021]
Things seem to be back to normal. -- If you still see the error page, make sure to clear your browser's cache or press CTRL+F5 several times.
Forum is Down! [July 13, 2021]
It seems were are having a problem with our server/host. We will report back when things are back to normal. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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